We specialize in paint, plastering and decorating tools, specialty paints, tapes, films and decorating consumables. Our buying power means we are competitively priced and offer the experience of skilled tradesman to find the right decorating solution for your business.
We specialize in paint, plastering and decorating tools, specialty paints, tapes, films and decorating consumables. Our buying power means we are competitively priced and offer the experience of skilled tradesman to find the right decorating solution for your business.
BrushBaggy Paint Brush Covers are simple and effective, catering for a range of brush sizes. Paint will stay out of the can fresh for 2 weeks or more. Start and stop your projects at a moment’s notice with no need to worry about cleaning or paint drying out. Simply Slip, Zip, and Rip! What could be easier? After you have used these little baggies you begin to have a different relationship with painting and suddenly projects don’t seem so daunting.
Fits 25mm-75mm paint brushes
Available in small and large project packs (8Pk & 40Pk)
Hole in bottom of bag stretches and seals brush handle